Large White Sage Bundle 7" long
Rocky's Crystals & Minerals
Regular price $ 10.95
(Sustainably grown by small family-owned farm)
Sage Smudging is an ancient practice upheld since the beginning of time. Perfect to cleanse your space and create positive vibes, removal of negative energies and stagnant energies. The use of smoking and the burning of herbs goes back centuries across all cultures with plants native to their cultures. We focus on bio regional herbalism, using herbs that are native and thriving throughout the southeastern US. Smudging is a powerful cleansing ritual used by many native traditions around the world. The burning of certain herbs such as sage, lavender or cedar has been used for centuries for emotional, psychic, and spiritual purification or as a blessing for a person in need. Sage is a potent antiseptic, antioxidant, an excellent natural disinfectant. As even the happiest homes accumulate in time negative vibrations, it is good to smudge your home thoroughly at least several times a year. You can also smudge your office space; as well as use smudging to clear your own energy or the energy of other people.
Size: 7" long each
Please note, each bundle will vary due to bundling of sage.